Dr. S. K. B. Sangeetha

Assistant Professor (Sr.G)


  • Ph.D in CSE, Anna University
  • M.E. CSE, Anna University, 2009
  • B.E. CSE, Anna University, 2005

Other Details


Python programming

Computer networks

Research Interests

Deep Learning

Selected Publications

  1. With Dhaya Kanthavel, and P. Keerthana,”An empirical study of vehicle to infrastructure communications- An intense learning of smart infrastructure for safety and mobility”,International Journal of Intelligent Networks,Volume 2,2021,Pages 77-82,ISSN 2666-6030, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijin.2021.06.003.[Scopus Indexed]
  1. With Kanthavel,S.K.B.Sangeetha,and K.P. Keerthana, “Design of smart public transport assist system for metropolitan city Chennai”,ScienceDirect International Journal of Intelligent Networks,Volume 2,2021.Pages 57-63,ISSN 2666-6030, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijin.2021.06.004.[Scopus Indexed]
  2. “Comparison of Crop Disease Detection Methods – An intensive analysis”,Psychology and Education Journal,Volume 58, No 2,2021.DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/pae.v58i2.4028.
  3. With Dhaya, Dhruv T Shah,R.Dharanidharan,and K. Praneeth Sai Reddy, “An Empirical Analysis of Machine Learning Frameworks Digital Pathology in Medical Science”,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,1767, 012031, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1767/1/012031,2021.[Scopus Indexed]
  4. With K. Ashokkumar, “Iot-enabled Infrastructure Privacy Preservation in Big Data”,European Journal of Molecular Clinical Medicine,Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 724-731,2021.
  5. With Anandhajyothi, “Machine learning tools for digital pathology – The next big wave in medical science “, Solid State Technology, 63, No.4,2020.
  6. K.B.Sangeetha ,“An Empirical Investigation of Securing Internet of Things Data in Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 9(7), ISSN No. 2223-1331, 2019.
  7. With R.Dhaya, Dr.R.Kanthavel, and R.Jagadeeshwaran, “Presentation Investigation of SVM Classifier for the recognition of Shark Fish , Journal of Information System Network, Elsevier’s SSRN Library, 2018.
  8. With Vanithadevi, and S.K.B.Rathika, “Enhancing Cloud security through Efficient Fragment based International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118 (18), 2425-2436, February 2018.
  9. With R.Dhaya, and Dr.R.Kanthavel, “ Improving performance of Cooperative Communication in Heterogeneous MANET Environment “,Cluster Computing, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s10586017-1637-2, January 2018.[SCI,Scopus Indexed]
  10. With Dr.R.Dhaya, “A Novel Fuzzy based Relay Selection for Cooperative Communication”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 6,No.12, ISSN No:2249-7315, December, 2016.
  11. With Dr.R.Dhaya,T.Vaishnavi, Kavya, and Ayeshabanu, “An Energy Efficient Search Scheme On Mobile Cloud”, Middle east journal of scientific research, 24(10):3341-3344,ISSN No:1990-9233, 2016.
  12. With R.Dhaya, R.Amirthavalli, P.Abirami,and N.Raghavi, “Troving Precise Region Using Brink Detection”, Advances in natural and applied sciences, Special 10(14): Pages 1-4 , ISSN No: 1995-0772, October,2016.
  13. With Dr.R.Dhaya,Priyadharshini, and Arun Karthick, “Effectiveness of SCTP in 4G Wireless Networks – A Research Perspective”, International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering, Volume 3, Special issue 1,ISSN No:2394-3343,2016.
  14. With R.Dhaya, C.Ambhika, and Dr.R.Kanthavel, “Improving Throughput Over Multihomed Reactive Wireless Network”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 10(1),ISSN No: 1991-8178, January 2016.
  15. With R.Dhaya, “Fuzzy Integrated Gaming Approach For Relay Selection In Cooperative Communication”, Journa of Applied sciences and research, 12(3), ISSN No: 1819-544X, March 2016.
  16. With S.K.B.Rathika, “Signcryption Approaches for Network Security”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, ISSN No: 2229-5518, May 2015.
  17. With R.Dhaya, “Relay Selection in Cooperative Communications”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, No 22, ISSN No: 0973-4562, March 2015.
  18. With K.B.Rathika, “Reducing Transmissions in Adhoc Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Volume 3,Issue 2, ISSN No: 2277-3754, August 2013.
  19. With K.B.Rathika, “Multicast Protocol of Adhoc Network for Central Authority Based Authentication”, Indian Journal of Advances Electronic Engineering, Special Issue, 2013.
  20. With K.B.Rathika, “Improving Fault Tolerance and Quality of Service in Wireless Networks using Weighted Clustering Algorithm”, Indian Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Application, Special Issue, 2013.


Papers Presented

  1. With Karthikayani,”An Enhanced Five Divisor based Data Deduplication Method for Secure Cloud Storage”,National Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Computing and Communications, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai,14th 15th May 2021.
  2. With Yashasvi Yadav,Shubham Singh Jijaniya,Tarak Sanghvi,”Modeling Price Forecasting using Regression Analysis”,International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, Joy Academy, 22nd April 2021.
  1. With K. AravindhanK.Periyakaruppan, Sivani R and Ajithkumar S , “Smart Charging Navigation for VANET based Electric Vehicles” 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, 1588-1591, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441842.[Scopus Indexed]
  2. With K.Periyakaruppan,K. Aravindhan, K.P.Keerthana, V.SanjayGiridhar and V.Shamaladevi, “Design of Attendance Monitoring System using RFID ” 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, 1628-1631, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441704. [Scopus Indexed]
  3. With S Naveen Siddarth,Sreelakshmi S,A Vishnu,”HumFit-A Whatsapp Bot for Healthy Recipes and Exercises”,Virtual Conference on Smart Computing and Advanced Communication,PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,31st March 2021.
  4. With K.Pradeep,”Retinal Image analysis using Convolutional Neural Network”,International Conference on Instrumentation, MEMS and Bio Sensing Technology,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai,18th – 20th February 2021.
  5. With Dr.R.Dhaya, Dhruv T Shah, Dharanidharan.R,and K.Praneeth Sai Reddy, “An Empirical Analysis of Machine Learning Frameworks for Digital Pathology in Medical Science”, International E-Conference on Data Analytics, Intelligent Systems and Information Security, Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore,11th-12th December 2020.
  6. With K Priyadharshini, and N. Krithika, “Evolutions in Convergence of Manufacturing and Manufacturing Technologies – A Detailed Study”, National Conference on Computing Technologies Today’s and Beyond, RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, 17th February 2020.
  7. With Juhith Kumar Reddy, Chaithanya, and Adhitya Marripudi, “An Empirical Comparison of Crop Disease Detection Methods”, National Conference on Computing Technologies Today’s and Beyond, RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, 17th February 2020.
  8. With Juhith Kumar Reddy, Chaithanya, and Krishna kumar, “Convergence of Machine Learning Methods and Big data for Crime Analysis and Prediction”, International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Technologies and Applications, RMD Engineering College, Chennai, 23rd – 24th October 2019.
  9. With K.Rathika and Naveen Srinivasan, “Survey on binary operators in Content based Information Retreival”, National Conference on Data Protection and Privacy, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Erode, 28th & 29th March 2019.
  10. With S.K.Rathika and Marish Hariswamy, “Video based Face Recognition – A Review”, National Conference on Data Protection and Privacy, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Erode, 28th & 29th March
  11. With Meera, R.Pavithra, and S.Preethi, “Three layer Security mechanism for Wireless Network”, International Conference on Advancements in Science, Engineering & Technology, MPMNJ Engineering College, Erode, 16th March 2019.
  12. With K.B.Rathika, U.Manish, R.Monish, and Mohitvasan, “Secure Transmission of Personal health Information in Cloud in Cloud Computing “,International Conference on Advancements in Science, Engineering & Technology, MPMNJ Engineering College, Erode, 16th March 2019.
  13. With K.B.Rathika, R.Jagadeeshwaran, and R.Hemalatha, “Prevention of Blackhole Attack using Fake Destination ID in MANET”, International Conference on Technology Trends, IOSRD, Chennai, 28th – 29th September 2018.
  14. With K.B.Rathika, R.Jagadeeshwaran, A.Kishore, and T.S.Kavin, “A Smart Cloud Based Emergency Response System”, National Conference on Innovative Research Trends for Digital India, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 23rd & 24th March 2018.
  15. With K.B.Rathika, J.Shivaani, S.Sahitya, and R.Sailahari, “Secure Communication of 2D Data Over Network”, National Conference on Innovative Research Trends for Digital India, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 23rd & 24th March 2018.
  16. With R.Dhaya, Dr.R.Kanthavel, and R.Jagadeeshwaran, “Presentation Investigation Of Svm Classifier For The Recognition Of Shark Fish “,International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems, Sona College of Technology, Salem, 15th – 16th December 2017.
  17. With R.Dhaya, Preethi Pattabiraman,Dr.R.Kanthavel,and R.Manjula, “Software Defined Networking: Perspective from IP Networking , Pros and Cons and Research Ideas”, International Conference on Discrete and Computational Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, 16th – 18th Febraury 2017.
  1. With R.Dhaya, Dr.R.Kanthavel, M.Priyadharshini,and V.S.Ramyha, “Improved Performance in Multiprotocol Label Switching with Rate Control Scheme”, International Conference on Discrete and Computational Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, 16th – 18th Febraury 2017.
  2. With R.Dhaya, Preethi Pattabiraman, Dr.R.Kanthavel, and Ashika.B.M, “Methods to Monitor Patients using Internet of Things”, International Conference on Discrete and Computational Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, 16th – 18th Febraury 2017.
  3. With Dr.R.Dhaya, Dr.S.Manimurugan, Priyadharshini,and Ramyha.V.S, “A Novel Stegnographic Method for Encrypted Images”, International Conference on Discrete and Computational Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, 16th – 18th Febraury 2017.
  4. With Dr.R.Dhaya, Ashish Sharma, and Jagadeesh, “Improved Performance of Two Server Architecture in Multiple Client Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ISBN XPlore No: 978-1-5090-4559-4, Shri Eswar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 6th and 7th January 2017.
  5. With Dr.R.Dhaya, T.Vaishnavi,Kavya, and Ayeshabanu, “An Energy Efficient Search Scheme on Mobile Cloud”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Life Science and Business, IOSRD, Chennai, 9th and 10th September 2016.
  6. With Dr.R.Dhaya, P.Abirami,and N.Raghavi, “Troving Precise Region Using Brink Detection”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Life Science and Business, IOSRD, Chennai, 9th and 10th September 2016.
  7. With Dr.R.Dhaya, Venkatesh, Harish, and Dr.R.Kanthavel, “Enhanced Encryption Techniques for Secure Data Sharing”, International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering and Management Sciences , Academic Research Publishers, Malasiya, 12th – 17th August 2016.
  8. With Dr.R.Dhaya, Venkatesh, Harish, and Dr.R.Kanthavel, “Indoor Localization using Ips with User Defined Privacy Preservation”, International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering and Management Sciences, Academic Research Publishers, Malasiya, 12th – 17th August 2016.
  9. With Dr.R.Dhaya,Priyadharshini, and Arun Karthick, “Effectiveness of SCTP in 4G Wireless Networks- A Research Perspective”, International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development , VYWS’s Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and Research, Malasiya, 24th – 26th May 2016.
  10. With R.Dhaya, and KAV.Ganeshkumar, “Web Extraction Using Dominant Superstring Trinity Tree Construction”, PMR Engineering College, Chennai, 25th and 26th March 2016.
  11. R.Dhaya, S.K.B.Rathika,and G.P.Arvindkumar, “Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Network using an Improved Weighted Clustering Algorithm”, International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science, Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal, 18th and 19th March 2016.
  12. With Dr.R.Dhaya, “A Novel Binarization Method for Sign Language System”, IEEE International Conference on Human Computer Interactions, Saveetha University, Chennai, 10th and 11th March
  13. With Dr.R.Dhaya, “Fuzzy Integrated Gaming Approach for Relay Selection in Cooperative Communication “,International Conference on Researches in Science, Management and Engineering, Coimbatore, 18th and 19th Febraury 2016.
  14. With R.Dhaya, C.Ambhika, and Dr.R.Kanthavel, “Improving Throughput Over Multihomed reactive Wireless Network”, International Conference on Researches in Science, Management and Engineering, Coimbatore, 18th and 19th Febraury 2016.
  15. With S.K.B.Rathika, “Blocking Code Injection Attack Using Memory Spilit Method”, International Conference on Current Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 27th December
  16. With R.Dhaya, “Comparison of Test suite Reduction Techniques with Inter procedural Control Dependencies”, International Conference on Developments in Engineering Research, Chennai, 7th November 2015.
  17. With R.Dhaya, “An Efficient Heuristic Coverage Criterion for Controlling the size of the Test suite”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, Chirala, 11th October 2015.
  18. With K.B.Rathika, “Signcryption Approaches for Network Security”, National Conference on Recent advances in Computer Sciences, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 16th & 17th April 2015.
  1. With R.Dhaya, “Relay Selection in Cooperative Communication”, National Conference on Modern Electronics and Signal Processing , Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, 13th March 2015.
  2. With Ranjani,” Wireless data Transmission in ZIGBEE network using Indegree and Throughput optimization”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Chennai, 30th March 2014.
  3. With Ranjani,” Wireless data Transmission in ZIGBEE network using Indegree and Throughput optimization”, International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems, S.A Engineering College, Chennai, 27th & 28th Febraury 2014.
  4. K.B.Sangeetha, “A Novel Approach for Realtime Sign Language Recognition”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Dr.M.G.R University, Chennai, 5th and 6th April 2013.
  5. K.B.Sangeetha, “A Survey of Skew Detection Techniques in Optical Character Recognition”, National Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies, C.T.T.E College for women, Chennai, 11thJanuary 2013.
  6. K.B.Sangeetha, “Tamil OCR-A Survey”, International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering, Dr.M.G.R University, Chennai, 12th and 13th April 2012.
  7. K.B.Sangeetha, “A Training Model for Tamil Stops with an Improved Feedback System”, National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2nd March 2012.
  8. K.B.Sangeetha, “An Artificial Neural Network for Speaker Recognition using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique”, ”, National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2nd March 2012.
  9. With Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, “An Empirical investigation of Testcase filtering techniques based on Exercising Complex Design Elements”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Innovative Technologies, Velalar college of Engineering and Technology, Erode, 9th April 2009.
  10. With Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, “An Empirical investigation of Testcase filtering techniques based on Exercising Complex Design Elements”, National Conference on High Performance Computing, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, 1st April 2009.

Academic Experience

  • Assistant Professor , RMK College of Engineering and Technology, June 2019-August
  • Assistant Professor ,Rajalakshmi Engineering College, June 2017- March
  • Assistant Professor, Velammal Engineering College, January 2010-March
  • Lecturer, Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, July 2005-June

Achievements and Awards

  • Received academic proficiency award from Dr.Abdul Kalam in Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology,2009.


  • Life Time Membership in “Indian Society of Technical Education” (ISTE) .
  • Life Time Membership in “The Institution of Engineers” (IEI) .
  • Life Time Membership in “International Association of Engineers” (IAENG) .