Mr. N. Muthurasu

Assistant Professor (O.G)


  • Ph.D in CSE,SRMIST(Pursuing )
  • M.E. CSE, Anna University, 2014
  • B.E. CSE, Anna University, 2011

Other Details


Cloud computing

Image Processing

Research Interests

Data analytics

Image processing

Selected Publications

  • Indexed in International journal of recent technology and engineering “Movie recommendation system term frequency –inverse document frequency and cosine similarity method”.
  • Indexed in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), titled “Crop Plantation Prediction using Analysis of Weather Data”.
  • Indexed in international journal of advanceresearch and innovative ideas in education(IIJARIIE), titled“ recommendation model for market basket analysis using apriori algorithm”.
  • Indexed in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science(IJARCS), “a prediction systemfor farmers to enhance the agriculture yield using cognitivedata science”.
  • Indexed in International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science (IJIACS), “Techniques of Optical Character Recognition”.

Workshops Attended

  • Participated in a one day workshop on “R-Programming” conducted by Dept of CSE, SRM university, Chennai on 04thFEB 2015.
  • Participated in a one day workshop on “Open Source Tools for Network Security” conducted by Dept of CSE, SRM university, Chennai on 15thMAR 2016.
  • Participated in a one day workshop on “Intellectual property rights and innovations” conducted by Dept of MECH, SRM university, Chennai on 13thMAY 2016.
  • Participated in a one day workshop on “Paper Publishing” conducted by IET, Chennai on 09thAUG 2016.
  • Participated in a Two days FDP on “IOT & SOC Boards” conducted by IET and Dept of CSE, SRM University, Chennai on 15th&16th MAY 2017.
  • Participated in a one day Seminar on “How to patent your invention?” conducted by Dept of MECH, SRM university, Chennai on 14thNOV 2017.
  • Participated in a Two days National Seminar on “Machine Learning with Hands – on workshop using weka& R-Programming” conducted by IET and Dept of CSE, SRM IST, Chennai on 24th&25thJAN 2018.
  • Participated in FDP on “NLP concepts for Excellence in teaching” organized by Saveetha School of Management, SIMATS, Chennai on 19th October 2019.
  • Participated in FDP on “Case study as a pedagogical tool – contemporary research approach” organized by Saveetha School of Management, SIMATS, Chennai on 02nd November 2019.
  • Participated in FDP on “Hands on artificial intelligence and real time cloud platforms” organized by St. Peter’s college of engineering and technology, Chennai. Between 7th and 8thNovember 2019.
  • Participated in FDP on “Industrial robotics and automation” organized by AICTE training and learning academy. Between 25th to 29th November 2019.
  • Participated in one day workshop on “A Workshop on Artificial intelligence and machine learning” organized by dept of Mechanical engineering, SRMIST, Chennai. on16th and 17thDecember 2019.
  • Participated in FDP on “Implementation of AI algorithms in gaming using C programming” organized by Dept of CSE, SRMIST, Chennai. on19th to 20thDecember 2019.

Conference Attended

  •  Paper Presented on “An Effective Approach for Increasing the Efficiency of Web Searching with feedback sessions”. In the National Level Conference on ICEREST’14 at Chendu college of Engineering and Technology.
  • Paper Presented on “Web-Page Recommendation based on web usage and domain knowledge”. In the National Conference on Innovativecomputing techniques(NCICT’15) organized by the dept of CSE/IT at DR.M.G.R educational and research institute university.
  • Paper Presented on “HACE: Big data processing model from data mining prespective”. In the National Conference on Innovativecomputing techniques(NCICT’15) organized by the dept of CSE/IT at DR.M.G.R educational and research institute university.
  • Paper Presented on “Traffic and Energy saving encrypted search”. In the International Conference on Current innovations in engineering and technology (ICCIET’16) at International association of engineering and technology for skill development.
  • Paper Presented on “A study of existing systems of recommendation engines”. In the National Conference on Emerging computing technologies and applications (NCECTA’18) at VEL Tech rangarajanDr.Sagunthala R&D institute of science and technology.

Academic Experience

  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, SRM IST, 2014 – Till Date.


  • Member in “Institution of Engineering Technology” (IET).
  • Member in “Indian Science Congress Association”(ISCA).