  • To train volunteer youth to become confident, committed and competent leaders in all walks of life.
  • To enhance the awareness level of cadets for being responsible citizens of the country.
  • Provide opportunities and encourage cadets to enhance their knowledge / awareness levels on life /   soft / communication skills, character building / personality development.
  • Conduct activities to provide value based contributions towards society in terms of social and communitydevelopment.
  • Undertake adventure activities for development of leadership qualities and risk taking abilities.
    Provide a platform to launch “good-will ambassadors” cadets to project the image of the country overseas.
  • Provide an environment to motivate cadets to join the armed forces as a career.
Aims of NCC

The Aims of the NCC is to develop discipline, character, brotherhood, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Not only these, it also aims to enlighten leadership qualities among the youth who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. It also motivates the young to choose a career in armed forces.